Stretch Therapy
Stretch Therapy is advanced stretching for correction and realignment of musculoskeletal imbalance. The first step is posture calibration and structural analysis, which tells precisely the muscles needing to be balanced and stretched. Now an action plan can be implemented specifically to patient needs, using state-of-the-art measuring tools, trigger point release techniques, and corrective stretching. This will optimize flexibility, correct posture, prevent injury, and reduce aches and pains.
Corrective Holistic Excercise
Our approach to movement and fitness combines knowledge of functional anatomy, with an understanding of the relationships between the musculoskeletal system and the glands, organs, posture, and breathing to create a full picture of the human body.
Healthexcel Metabolic Typing®
Functional metabolic type is defined as them sum total pattern of all genetically-based strengths and weaknesses, as influenced by lifestyle and environmental factors, as expressed through the myriad of physical (external and internal), psychological (mental, emotional, behavioral, personality), diet-related, and functional characteristics that define biological individuality and thereby dictate nutritional requirements and therapeutic protocols to unfold full genetic potential and achieve optimal health.